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Getting Stronger Every Year!
Thanks to the generous support of the Gahanna business partners, area professionals, supportive alumni and concerned community members, the Gahanna-Jefferson Education Foundation has emerged as a viable source of support to our students as we fulfill our vision of Promoting Excellence in Education.
Where Did We Come From?
In 2002, through the inspired vision of the School Business Advisory Council and the generous support of the Gahanna Rotary and the Gahanna Area Fund, the Gahanna-Jefferson Education Foundation (GJEF) was created to provide a special community focus on education.
What Do We Do?
Our purpose is to "Promote Excellence" by funding innovative projects beyond the traditional expenditures of the Gahanna-Jefferson Board of Education.
We also provide support and resources for the district pupil service staff in addressing personal student needs through the Harvey Mast Care For Kids Program.
How Do We Promote Excellence?
Through a competitive grant procedure, GJEF has been able to enhance and enrich academic programs in many areas. To date, over $1.4 million in grants and an additional $1.2 million in donor designated projects and scholarships have been awarded.
How Do We Fund Our Projects?
GJEF runs fundraising events and receives donations from businesses, private individuals, alumni groups and retired staff members. In addition, GJEF has gratefully received large endowment funds for scholarships. To view our Gift Acceptance policy, please CLICK HERE.
Since 2004, GJEF has hosted our Gahanna Gala which is an evening of fun and fundraising. The GJEF Board has committed 70% of the proceeds from the Gala to the grants program and 30% to be invested in the endowment fund which covers overhead expenses.
Where Do We Go From Here?
As we look to the future, GJEF plans to continue funding competitive grants. We are also anxious to provide a means allowing individuals to make designated donations in support of specific academic programs or scholarships. We are committed to build upon the positive business partnership connection and continue to recruit enthusiastic volunteers in support of our mission of "Promoting Excellence".